
Zombie attack
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. The player scores 12 points for each zombie hit. If he misses, he loses 6 points. When 3 zombies run away, the game is over.
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The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. The player scores a point each time the snake eats an apple. When the snake bites itself, the game is over.
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Path planning system in AGH Racing autonomous bolide
Paulina Gacek, Piotr Sokołowski
Słowa kluczowe: Formula Student, path planning
Szczegóły »Lessons Learned from a Smart City Project with Citizen Engagement
Sebastian Ernst, Konrad Zaworski, Piotr Sokołowski, Grzegorz Salwa
Słowa kluczowe: smart cities, data analysis, citizen engagement
Szczegóły »Rozproszony system monitorowania autonomicznego układu bolidu
Piotr Sokołowski, Kamil Baradziej, Daniel Prusak, Piotr Kohut
Słowa kluczowe: Formula Student, system rozproszony, Websocket, Docker, Internet of things, system monitorujący, autonomiczny bolid
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